Data was last recived from the airplane on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 5:00:11 PM California time.
At that time the airplane was on the ground.
The elivation of the ground under the airplane was 20 feet above sea level.
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Complete flight data file (tab-delimited)
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NOTE: All dates and times below are GMT
Most Recent Dynon Flight Data
Field Value
HH_MM_SS_FF 01:00:12.25
Pitch -0.3
Roll 0.3
Yaw 349
Altitude 50
Turn -0.1
L_G's 0
V_G's 1
AOA 99
Prsh_Alt 181
VSI 20
Most Recent Dynon Engine Data
Field Value
HH_MM_SS_FF 01:00:12.18
O_Tmp 140
O_Prsr 4
Volts 13.2
Amp -2.6
F_Prsr 1.9
F_GPH 0.3
Gal_Rem 0
Left_Tk 4.3
Right_Tk 2.7
Flp 4
E_Trm -2
A_Trm 26
CH1 230
CH2 221
CH3 225
CH4 208
CH5 205
CH6 207
CHA 216
CH1+- 14
CH2+- 5
CH3+- 9
CH4+- -8
CH5+- -11
CH6+- -9
EG1 772
EG2 770
EG3 838
EG4 817
EG5 837
EG6 765
EGA 800
EG1+- -28
EG2+- -30
EG3+- 38
EG4+- 17
EG5+- 37
EG6+- -35
Most Recent GPS Data
Field Value
MM_DD_YY 01-26-25
HH_MM_SS 01:00:12
Latitude 38.25832
Longitude -122.43591
Track_T 69
Track_M 56
Altitude_G 66
Next_Waypnt 0Q9
Next_Latitude 38.25747
Next_Longitude -122.43456
Nxt_NM .1
Nxt_Bar 128
Grnd_Elv 20
Agl 38