Data was last recived from the airplane on Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 7:06:38 PM California time.
At that time the airplane was on the ground.
The elivation of the ground under the airplane was 4,039 feet above sea level.
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Complete flight data file (tab-delimited)
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NOTE: All dates and times below are GMT
Most Recent Dynon Flight Data
Field Value
HH_MM_SS_FF 02:06:40.25
Pitch -1.7
Roll -0.3
Yaw 347
Altitude 4090
Turn -0.2
L_G's 0
V_G's 1
AOA 99
Prsh_Alt 3824
VSI 10
Most Recent Dynon Engine Data
Field Value
HH_MM_SS_FF 02:06:39.18
O_Tmp 171
O_Prsr 21
Volts 13.2
Amp -2.9
F_Prsr 2
F_GPH 0.5
Gal_Rem 8
Left_Tk 2.6
Right_Tk 5.8
Flp 4
E_Trm -2
A_Trm 28
RPM 665
CH1 284
CH2 268
CH3 266
CH4 248
CH5 248
CH6 243
CHA 260
CH1+- 24
CH2+- 8
CH3+- 6
CH4+- -12
CH5+- -12
CH6+- -17
EG1 829
EG2 826
EG3 837
EG4 855
EG5 842
EG6 813
EGA 834
EG1+- -5
EG2+- -8
EG3+- 3
EG4+- 21
EG5+- 8
EG6+- -21
Most Recent GPS Data
Field Value
MM_DD_YY 10-06-24
HH_MM_SS 02:06:40
Latitude 41.99739
Longitude -121.39655
Track_T 166
Track_M 153
Altitude_G 4,052
Next_Waypnt 4S7
Next_Latitude 42.00114
Next_Longitude -121.39636
Nxt_NM .2
Nxt_Bar 2
Grnd_Elv 4039
Agl 32